A blog about the ongoing dissolution of the "western" civilization, and how to understand and navigate it...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Confiscation pressure over the european citizens...

Theory and thoughts about our path:

The "fiscal" pressure (the confiscation of personal wealth by the gigantic, parasitic, state collectivist entities) over the European citizens is already enormous (as we know quite well, unfortunately) but it keeps growing.
And it will still keep growing for a long time, until we live extremely poor lives (poor beyond material stuff, but certainly also very poor in material terms), totally controlled by the state.
Naturally, the state itself is ruled by nice politicians in charge, that can save us from having to think, from having the power to decide anything for ourselves - and they will live well, both in material and other terms, since they will deserve it, because their task of ruling us all is very demanding...
It is the way of North Korea, or of an ant collective...

Onward to concrete news:

A nice new tax (of 20%) over all personal transfers on money into Italy.

Pay up (automatic confiscation by the involved banks), then try to recover some of it, if you can (hehe)...

Way to go Italy, show us new, creative, ways of confiscation, because many other countries/states need these ideas as much as you do...

And, to finish with a return to theory and thoughts...

A short and sweet text about our future, that develops my thoughts, above, and gives them some specific references:

The text is quite short, and is certainly worth reading.
The conclusion is simple and clear:
"George Orwell, it seems, was mistaken only about the date."

A sentence I liked a lot is:
"Karl Marx had such a plan, although he envisaged a more benign system of universal brotherhood"

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