A blog about the ongoing dissolution of the "western" civilization, and how to understand and navigate it...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The future is bleak...

For future reference I will post here a short post in Portuguese:

 O futuro da humanidade é negro, e uma das principais razões para isso (mas não a única) é o estatismo crescente, potenciado pelas multiplas vertentes da tecnologia que pemite aos estados controlar cada vez mais completamente todos os aspectos da vida das pessoas, que cada vez mais se aproximarão de formigas perfeitamente alinhadas, igualizadas, conformadas e controladas como robots pelos overlords politicos.

Para quem já leu ficção científica, a futurologia nesta linha é rcorrente.
Usualmente, os herois são pessoas integradas em pequenos grupos que tentam fazer frente aos poderes instituidos, opressivos, dos estados hiper-controladores.

Pois bem, os sinais deste tipo de "progresso" nas vidas reais que vamos vivendo são multiplos.
Alguns são "progressos" bastante claros e até obvios, neste sentido, outros são mais marginais e menos claros - mas continuam a ser importantes para se atingirem os estádios finais deste tipo de utopia negra (como estádio final, imagine-se uma Coreia do Norte mundial, com tecnologia de vigilancia e controle muito mais avançada do que a que eles usam actualmente).

Um dos progressos MAIS OBVIOS é o fim do dinheiro.
O dinheiro foi uma invenção maravilhosa:
Algo que facilita as trocas de bens e serviços de forma espantosa (imagine-se trocar tempo de trabalho por bens fisicos, imaginemos que alguem trabalhava para o dono de um rebanho de carneiros e tinha de dar tempo de trabalho até atingir o valor de um carneiro inteiro para o poder receber como pagamento do seu trabalho, etc..).
O dinheiro tambem pode ser usado para poupar valor acumulado: Podemos conservar todos os meses um pouco do que ganhamos, para depois quando temos acumulado o suficiente podermos comprar coisas mais caras e mais raras, ou para vivermos em periodos em que não temos rendimento.

No entanto, para os estados actuais o dinheiro tem um problema terrivel:
As transacções em dinheiro são, por definição, anónimas.
Não deixam um rasto electrónico (nem em papel). Se se quer controlar tudo o que as pessoas fazem com os seus recursos (com o seu dinheiro) é preciso construir mecanismos de controle paralelos: obrigações de comunicação de transportes, vigilancia (por fiscais humanos  disfarçados de consumidores comums) sobre registos de transacções sob a forma de "facturas", etc..

Por isso, os governos tem estado a tentar limitar cada vez mais o uso do dinheiro.
Já discuti isso, com base na progressiva legislação que tem saido em todo o lado para impedir transacções de valor significativo, pagas em dinheiro.
Lembro-me em particular do caso da Itália, há um par de anos, que fez sair legislação muito radical sobre isso (limitando as transacções pagas em dinheiro a uns 500 euros de valor maximo, se não me engano).
E em Portugal tambem existe legislação a impor limites, embora usualmente não se lhe ligue muito.

Pois bem em Israel estão já oficialmente a estudar o fim absoluto do dinheiro!


Ultima nota:
É claro que a partir dai o estado vai ter acesso a informação completa sobre como cada cidadão gasta até as quantias mais infimas, e vai poder cobrar TODAS as taxas que existem (e que certamente irá inventar), e vai lembrar-se de multiplas formas de condicionar a vida das pessoas para as obrigar a gastar os seus recursos só em bens e serviços que lhes pareçam mais "virtuosos" e mais uteis ao "bem comum".

Mas há um aspecto adicional:
Estando TUDO em suportes informaticos ao invés de em dinheiro fisico, e (para que as coisas funcionem) estando tudo em rede (e não em servidores fechados em salas profundas e desligados de todas as interfaces com o exterior) é obvio que se criam aqui vulnerabilidades que antes não existiam.
No limite um pais (ou pelo menos a sua economia e a vida das pessoas) poderá ser completamente arruinado por um bom ataque informático...

Enfim, temos o futuro que merecemos, com a nossa tendencia média (e por isso democraticamente maioritária) de preferirmos ser carneiros dirigidos (governados, financiados, igualizados, etc.) pelos estados e pelos politicos,  ao invés de sermos individuos autonomos com poder para (e necessidade de) governarmos as nossas proprias vidas...

Para referencia futura vou guardar este texto, mesmo em Portugues, no meu ex-blogue.


And, so that the source is not lost I will copy/paste below the article referenced above:

(from here: http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/government-plan-would-transform-israel-into-the-worlds-first-cashless-society)

Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society

Monday, February 17, 2014

Meanwhile, in Argentina...

I absolutely had to post this one, even so soon after the previous post.
The previous post (about the new creative tax in Italy) should scare us all.
This one is mainly funny.

When the most retarded brands of socialism (* - see below) burst, this kind of thing happens:

Naturally, this only happens much closer to the end of the line.
(And things are really getting to a conclusion, in Argentina, Venezuela, and such.)

(*) - One may argue that all socialism is retarded, but here I'm referring to the MOST retarded branches: The mugabian, chavist, cristinarist implementations of socialism.

Confiscation pressure over the european citizens...

Theory and thoughts about our path:

The "fiscal" pressure (the confiscation of personal wealth by the gigantic, parasitic, state collectivist entities) over the European citizens is already enormous (as we know quite well, unfortunately) but it keeps growing.
And it will still keep growing for a long time, until we live extremely poor lives (poor beyond material stuff, but certainly also very poor in material terms), totally controlled by the state.
Naturally, the state itself is ruled by nice politicians in charge, that can save us from having to think, from having the power to decide anything for ourselves - and they will live well, both in material and other terms, since they will deserve it, because their task of ruling us all is very demanding...
It is the way of North Korea, or of an ant collective...

Onward to concrete news:

A nice new tax (of 20%) over all personal transfers on money into Italy.

Pay up (automatic confiscation by the involved banks), then try to recover some of it, if you can (hehe)...

Way to go Italy, show us new, creative, ways of confiscation, because many other countries/states need these ideas as much as you do...

And, to finish with a return to theory and thoughts...

A short and sweet text about our future, that develops my thoughts, above, and gives them some specific references:

The text is quite short, and is certainly worth reading.
The conclusion is simple and clear:
"George Orwell, it seems, was mistaken only about the date."

A sentence I liked a lot is:
"Karl Marx had such a plan, although he envisaged a more benign system of universal brotherhood"

Friday, February 14, 2014

Venezuela - Lets avoid this future at home...

Things are REALLY reaching a conclusion, in Venezuela.

Lets start with an introduction, something more general in nature, so that we may learn something useful from the dire occurrences happening there at this precise moment:

Socialism an economic crime, usually with millions of victims (the victims are usually the majority of the population of the affected countries - all but the leaders in power, their direct entourage, and the goons that enforce the regime).
Its effects include individual (but widespread) impoverishment and (so) worse conditions of life for almost everyone. The effects also include (directly accountable) deaths due to the effects of collective impoverishment, that inevitably results in worse medical care, less ability to preserve the environment, etc.. Naturally, these last effects are increased by the strongly collectivist nature of socialism: What matters is the collective, not the individual. The importance that may still be attributed to individuals (regarded as figures, as very small parts, very insignificant parts, of the collective) is as symbols (when they can be conveniently used as such) for the promotion of the "common good".

Socialism (and collectivism in general) is also a political crime since, almost (should almost be used here?) by definition, it integrates a full disregard for individual freedoms and rights. Everyone must conform to strict rules (decided by the enlightened rulers that always know better - Stalin, Ceausescu, or Kim Il Sung are fine examples), and dissidence is always cut short terminally.

Socialism is also direct violence!
(And that is the reason for this post and the connection and motivation for this introduction.)
Socialism always involves revolutionary processes.
It means expropriating the property of those that owned things (farms, factories, stores, public listed companies, above than average houses - or all of them). It means eliminating personal rights (to free reunion, public protest, free communication of different political views, etc.). It requires blood to implement and enforce.
The practice of the implementation of every socialist society, in every socialist country that ever existed, confirms this. Are there exceptions to this rule? All I can think of are confirmations of the rule: Russia, China, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, North Korea, Vietnam, all the ex-socialist/communist countries of "Eastern Europe" occupied by the Soviet Union in WWII... In every one, the implementation of socialism was done through extreme violence and countless deaths. Are there exceptions?
More curiously, the socialist/communist theory also defends this!
Most (all?) of the theoretical luminaries of full-socialism/communism assumed/defended clearly that implementation of socialism required violence. (Again, are there exceptions? I can't think of a single one... Not Marx, not Lenin, not Trotsky, not Mao, not Castro, not Pol Pot, not Mugabe...)

In Venezuela, in particular, the acute phase of full-socialism implementation is now occurring.
Please (for YOUR sake, for the sake of your loved ones, for the sake of us all - to prevent a similar process, in the near future, where you live...) check what is happening there:




For an explanation off all that (less emotional, more articulate and complete that the raw news of the previous links) read this:

And, if you can read Spanish, please read this, out today, from one of the leading Venezuelan newspapers:

Final note:
Consider that, in Venezuela, things started with democratic elections, and evolved from there...
(They usually start worse from the beginning, with war (civil war or international war), civil or military coups, etc. - and evolve from that.)

So, in short (if there is anything useful to learn from this):
Socialists and communists are criminals, and must be regarded (and fought) considering that fact.
Polite political arguing produces nothing on them, since they view their objectives as the only valuable thing to achieve, and base their thought processes in pure propaganda instead of serious debate of ideas...
They just use the naive democratic political processes of our decaying countries as a convenient (but transient) mean to achieve their ending goals (and this is so just when they don't have the direct force to achieve power through more expedite means...).
Once in power that transient mean they use to achieve their end, must be terminated - least in demotes them from power, again! (Besides being true monomaniac believers in their cause, "democratic alternance" is always annoying when you are already in power...)
Delaying resistance to their rise to power to very last stages of the process, as in Venezuela, is inviting what happened there.


For those that may think that my position on this is somewhat "radical", or extreme:
This post is NOT radical or extreme!
Extreme is to have a daughter (or a son) kidnapped by the armed goons of the regime (because "arrests", in Venezuela, at present, are not the normal arrests of a civilized country, they are the communist version - see the link, already above), tortured, raped, and finally "disappearing", simply because she (or he) participated in a peaceful student protest that the communist authorities did not not like.
Now, THAT is radical!

Monday, February 10, 2014

No need to work, we provide for your leisure...

Blogging about this kind of stuff is next to useless, because people prefer to ignore realities, and to go on living with (as much as possible) less care about things that are unpleasant and hard to control.

As such, page views in my posts are next to zero, and the work involved in writing them with care is unjustifiable.

So, I have 2 possible approaches: Give this up, or just start posting with a lot less care (and work).
I will give both approaches a try, and see what works better for me...

In this vein, here goes a new post, about the realities of the welfare state, that are the most extreme form  of society destruction for our rich, rotten, western civilization countries.

The votes in our democracies are all worth the same. It does not mater if one is a productive, useful member of the society, or if one is a parasite that just wants a free ride (on the back of those that still are willing to make efforts and to contribute with something useful ).
Naturally, since the resources to live a soft life don't fall out of the sky (be it food, clothing, lodgment, cellphones, cars, whatever), they still need to be produced by someone, they still need investment in factories, in agriculture, in mines, they still involve market risks, bankruptcies risks, savings done over time (i.e. deprivations) to get the resources to invest,etc..
The free riders just need to vote on the "liberal" lefties that will redistribute more and more to implement "social justice", and fight poverty, and all those "nice" easy, appealing feel-good approaches.
And it is easy to get majorities voting for entitlements.
Its is the well known curse of democracies:

Anyway, this is (for the moment) still extreme, and shows how socialism is being implemented FAST in the US, by the obamas that at present rule, there:


So, there!
Considering my new policy of reducing work in this blog, go and read the ZH post on this, and read the funny original article defending that (robing the productive - something that is obviously left unsaid) to pay for the entitlements of those that don't want to work is the good, correct, moral, thing to do:

No more comments are really needed.
In the future we will all be able to live of some very limited number of slaves - that will have to work really hard.
If we can continue to convince them that saving, investing, taking risks, and working really hard is only natural, because the state needs their taxes to redistribute (since they are the favored by the capitalist society unfair workings, and so many need their work to live as (free-riding) relatively dispossessed  poor) so much the better.
If not, well, things will turn out badly for all...


Sunday, January 26, 2014

The degradation in some countries is really Exploding!

Particularly in Latin America, reality is catching up with the "nice" socialist political dreams, and things are getting really bad:


The biggest lesson is not what is happening (because it was expectable, and even inevitable, and the signs were clear to everyone paying attention).
The lesson here is that these things tend to start evolving slowly and then, suddenly, they degrade EXTREMELY fast.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Again Argentina (and Venezuela, and all our countries...)

I will keep this post short.
The idea is just to link a very recent mainstream news article with some generic info on the most recent Argentinean developments:


I will just comment two specific points:

Notice the blackouts.
They are a very strong sign of extreme economic unbalances, and of serious societal disaggregation.
They happen in every decaying county (in South America Venezuela and now Argentina - the most extreme socialist experiments in that zone - are excellent examples), and can be considered one of the worst consequences of failing societies/economies, since they tend to aggravate things even further, and prevent normal life and normal economic activities.
Just to illustrate, for some, having no electricity may be (or seem, at first...) just a limited inconvenience, although it gets worse when it lasts, or when it is recurring (frozen stuff gets ruined, it is impossible to use computers or TV, it is impossible to charge cell phones, etc.).
But if you use a wheelchair and really need an elevator to get out of (or back to) your 4th floor apartment, lack of electricity is more than a simple annoyance...
Also some crucial activities get seriously degraded. Just think of hospitals, supermarkets, schools, factories, etc..
Note relatively exotic things failing, like (in the case described in the article) the possibility of simply using a plane to get out of those countries.
Lack of ordinary products in the stores is a lot more common: things like toilet paper, milk, medicines, whatever (the specific things missing tend to vary according to the details of each country internal production).
This kind of (more or less) random failings are the inevitable result of interventionist governments creating more and more unbalances, more and more arbitrary economic destructive rules, in the process of trying to solve the problems they already created.
It is the very ordinary situation of having some politicians totally disconnected from the realities ruining the economy, and then having those same politicians trying to solve the problems they themselves created - usually by applying even more extreme versions of the policies that created the original problems...

Expect these problems closer to home, later on, when countries that now seem rich, stable and in good working order (like Argentina seemed to be some years ago) follow similar paths (Argentina's path can be argued to be just slightly more socialist than most of Europe, the USA, etc.)...

Take care!